General Document Requirements for Child Support


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Dealing with the legal system involves gathering thorough documentation to support your case. The law obligates concerned parties to prove facts, and they can do so by telling the truth in either an affidavit or in court. However, even if you swear your facts before a judge, you will need specific documents to substantiate everything you claim.

Documents are an essential and inseparable part of the legal system, especially when it concerns pursuing child support. This is why every client should have a good idea of what their family lawyer will expect from them as they build the case. If you are pursuing child support, you should take care of everything that will be required of you throughout the process.

Read on to define child support and extraordinary expenses related to it. You will also learn about the necessary documents to help you pursue your suit and what you need to get the amount your child needs.

What is Child Support?

Child support is money paid by one or both parents to help with the expenses of looking after and raising their children. It usually starts with essential child support coming from the child support tables under the Child Support Guidelines. 

What does Child Support Offer?

A child support obligation includes covering clothing, food, shelter, and other primary expenses. However, it does not cover medical costs not covered by child care expenses or insurance while the custodial parent goes to work or school.

What are Special Extraordinary Expenses?

Extraordinary expenses are those that fall outside of the primary purposes of child support. Traditionally, such pursuits are to meet the necessities of a couple’s children. The BC Child Support Guidelines define these expenses with considerable guidance provided by judges in writing decisions in cases in the past. Generally, many call these expenses “Section 7 expenses” since it is part of section 7 of the said support guidelines. 

What do Special Extraordinary Expenses Include?

Extraordinary expenses offer several benefits, including school expenses for primary or secondary school, reasonable full-time post-secondary education linked with a future realistic career goal, and extracurricular activities. This type of expense also offers daycare and dental or medical expenses not covered by dental or medical insurance.

What are the Documents Necessary for Child Support and Special Extraordinary Expenses?

Parents need to produce their income tax returns and other income-related documents for child support and special expenses. These documents are necessary since each of their contributions shall be according to their income, and presenting said documents will determine the amount payable for special expenses. 

Parents must determine what their extraordinary expenses are and which particular expenses qualify as such. To do so, you should present documents or proof of the amount needed, what it will be used for, and the possibility of reimbursement or subsidy. 


In every legal case, it is of utmost importance to be fully prepared for your day in court. Fortunately, if you have the necessary information to support your claim and know what kind of documents to bring, it can help you avoid any unwanted bumps along the way.

If you need a family lawyer in Langley, you can consult Dreyer and Associates Family Lawyers. Our legal team can help you with specific records concerning child support and extraordinary expenses. Call us today at 604-539-2103 for further discussion.






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